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Pickles, Ice Cream and Back to School!

How has school already started? This summer absolutely flew by for us. The two older boys started back this week and our 3rd will start pre-school 2 days a week and then holy smokes, baby boy #5 will be here this month! It's funny, you would think I would have all the feeling figured out by now but man, I am just as excited and nervous as we were 8 years ago with our first son.

We are still taking advantage of as many warm days and evenings we have left but as fall approaches, it's been fun seeing all the business logo orders shift to sweatshirts and beanies.

As for the business, we have been so fortunate with AMAZING employees/side hustlers to help keep things running smoothly while I enjoy all the baby snuggles and learn to juggle 5 boys under 8. Our schedule has already been pretty busy with flag football, prep of hunting season, and of course prep for a few events and craft fairs.

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